
A Victorian Gothic style, former rectory, of the late 1850’s, which sits magnificently in the rolling landscape of rural Suffolk and overlooks unhindered arable land lined with ancient oaks.

The new owners were keen to make sense of the cluttered garden; taking advantage of the views whilst linking the house harmoniously with the somewhat incongruously located pool. They were keen to embrace their love of minimalism and clean lines in the design.

A series of terraces that geometrically graduated away from the house were designed after making a clay terrain model of the grounds. These terraces comfortably linked the swimming pool to the house and created a series of stunning vistas.

Materials were chosen to enhance and reflect the brick and flint of the house whilst enabling the desired contemporary design. Minimalistic planting of grasses and topiary took reference from the surrounding landscape of round-headed ancient trees and grasslands.

Thank you to Catharine Howard for such a great piece of writing on this garden and its transformation.


Read the article here

Essential Magazine January & February 2021