The Worshipful Company of Gardeners is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London which I have been kindly asked to join.

An organisation of gardeners has existed since the middle of the fourteenth century; it received a Royal Charter in 1605. The Company no longer exists as a regulatory authority for the sale of produce in London; instead serving as a charitable institution. The Company also performs a ceremonial role; it formally presents bouquets to the Queen and to Princesses upon their wedding, anniversary, or other similar occasion.

Its motto is In The Sweat Of Thy Brows Shalt Thow Eate Thy Bread.

The Company has evolved since its early roles to now pursue three main objectives to:

Promote the art and practice of good gardening throughout the country and especially in the London area. Further, to encourage and support educational establishments which are centres of horticultural excellence.

Support charitable activities connected with horticulture or with the City of London. The Company does not benefit from large endowments and has never owned property. The Charitable Fund is therefore limited and largely dependent upon the generosity of its Liverymen and Freemen (i.e. members of the Company) who are expected to contribute to the Fund as a condition of membership.

Promote the fellowship of gardening by introducing new members to the Company and to beautify the City of London and elsewhere by encouraging the display of flowers and foliage wherever and whenever possible. There is a wide knowledge of gardening and horticulture within the Company which can be drawn upon as practical support for new projects.